- Born 1973 in Northern California to Hungarian immigrants.
- Watches dad shoot and edit home movies on Super 8mm film.
- Latch key kid.
- Sees first film in the movie theater, Sleeping Beauty 1979.
- Sees Flash Gordon in the theater 1980.
- Sees first slasher film Prom Night on cable in 1983.
- Makes first SOV feature length picture 1983.
- Continues shooting videos for class projects throughout middle and high school.
- Sees Rocky Horror Picture Show at the Belmont 3 in 1987.
- Shoots and edits slasher feature GUTWRENCHED 1991.
- Shoots and edits Rod Rhyebold Must Be Destroyed 1994.
- Reads Kuchar Brothers' book Reflections From A Cinematic Cesspool, befriends George Kuchar 1997.
- Production of numerous shorts and features 1998 - 2006.
- Moves to Portland, Oregon - Cascadia era of work 2006 - 2013.
- George Kuchar dies 2011.
- Returns to Sacramento 2013.
- Experimental home movies and shorts.
- Release of new DVD collection, Death of the Beast 2021.
- Soon to be released DVD feature, Death Doesn't Hide Her Panties Uncircumcised.